Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So Tired Girls Section

SINCE starting his acting two years ago, Marissa Nasution admitted addiction. Even so, the virgin birth of Jakarta, 8 February 1986, remains selectively choosing a job offer. In addition to playing soap opera soap again because time-consuming, he is also reluctant to act as a sexy girl or playing in a comedy.

German-blooded girl was admitted Batak, lately a lot of movies get a bid. But because of all genre comedy and tender look sexy, she refused. Marissa does not want to get stuck in the same role. "For film, I often offered the role of a girl sexy and comedy. I do not want the same role, I wanted a different," he said in Grand Indonesia.

Flower Widows movie star's girlfriend refuses to ban the sexy again made him reluctant to appear in the film. According to him, Rafael gave him full freedom in making decisions. "All decisions in the hands of me. I have always type independent, so take your own decisions. After all it's just me who knows what is best for myself I'm alone," he said, then smiled.

In addition to refusing a role as girls are sexy, Marissa also reluctant to chase soap opera star in running again. Dense schedule of filming, it became the main reason. "If such thing as shooting stripping, the focus 24 hours. So do not have time to (do) something else. It's not sour, but I want to enjoy something else. After all I have to go back and forth to Bali

, going to Germany as well, so we are not there time, "he said, adding in Bali he was busy managing the business of high-heels shoes. (Eos)